Top not-for-profit thinkers spell out your priorities for COVID-19
Jahna Cedar OAM
Jahna Cedar is a Nyiyaparli/ Yindjibarndi woman, originally from the Pilbara region of Western Australia, who continues to gain recognition for her work as an Indigenous community leader.
Ms Cedar nominated two issues as the most pressing for not-for-profits:
Financial stability
Member communications.
The impact of COVID-19 had had a “far-reaching” impact on finances, especially for organisations that had been unable to “pivot”, she said. Compounding that issue was the fact that many funders now had reduced capacity, while government departments were generally becoming “over-cautious and risk averse in offering contracts and grants”.
Ms Cedar said communication with members was a top issue, and organisations must become “innovative in their consultation with members” amid COVID-19 restrictions, particularly with the AGM season looming.
Should your organisation head in a new direction?
Asked what not-for-profit directors should do differently, Ms Cedar nominated these three things:
More than ever, concentrating on the mental health of employees and their families
Enabling flexible and agile work environments
Re-examining strategic plans to consider the implications of the pandemic, including potentially changing the direction of your not-for-profit.