Artificial Intelligence vs. Ancestral Intelligence
Whilst attending IWI-Indigenous Women in Industry in Aotearoa (NZ) last week, I was fortunate to hear from a panel of trailblazers in the government and governance space, at Tūrangawaewae Marae (home of the Maori King movement). The panel included the powerhouse that is Hana-Rawhiti Kareariki Maipi-Clarke. Hana represents Te Pāti Māori as a Member of Parliament in NZ, elected at the tender age of 21 in 2023. Many of you may have seen her powerful maiden speech to parliament …..if not, do yourself a favour and check it out.
During her korero, Hana said something that really resonated with me, “Whilst artificial intelligence is important, let us not forget the value of ancestral intelligence”.
Thought provoking right? hence this pen to paper (fingers to keyboard) blog…
In a rapidly evolving digital landscape, AI has become a buzzword, promising unprecedented efficiency, innovation, and profitability. Yet, as we embrace the wonders of technology, it's crucial to recognise the profound wisdom embedded in ancestral knowledge—the timeless insights passed down through generations, from our ancestors. Our traditional holders of wisdom.
We know that AI (in its western form) can drive data analysis, revolutionise business operations, decrease costs, streamline processes and optimize decision-making, heck even direct driverless vehicles…. the potential seems boundless.
As an Indigenous woman, I contemplate the implications. While AI excels in crunching numbers and detecting patterns, it may overlook the nuances of human experiences and cultural contexts. It's a tool, not a magic bullet! How do we ensure AI systems respect diverse perspectives and uphold Indigenous values of respect, reciprocity, and interconnectedness? How do we also protect Indigenous intellectual property, in the process?
The knowledge of Elders, handed down through generations, provides a perspective that shows interdependence with nature, community, and spirit. Passed down through oral traditions, ceremonies, and lived experiences, it captures thousands of years of wisdom on sustainable living, ethical governance, and harmonious relationships.
For Indigenous women like me, tapping into ancestral intelligence means honouring our history and embracing Indigenous ways of knowing and being. It means recognising the interconnectedness of all life forms, fostering empathy and humility, and seeking guidance from our Elders and ancestors. Our Elders are not only royalty to us, but they are our living, breathing libraries. They show us how prioritising long-term sustainability over short-term gains, for collective (not self) benefit, is living in balance.
I have written many times about navigating the expectations and responsibilities of two worlds, however we also need to consider how we integrate the amazing advancements in technology whilst protecting and honouring ancestral intelligence. It's about leveraging the cutting-edge capabilities of technology while grounding ourselves in the timeless wisdom of our ancestors. It's about co-creating a future that honours both innovation and tradition, prosperity and respect.
So, let's embark on this journey together, weaving threads (another reflection from IWI) of AI and ancestral intelligence into the tapestry of our lives and businesses. Let's honour the past, embrace the present, and co-create a future that honours all voices and perspectives.